Dr Robert Michael Lundin

Clinical experience

Psychiatry Registrar
Barwon Health
Geelong, Australia
2022 – present
Psychiatry Registrar and RANZCP Trainee (Stage 3) working for the Mental Health Drugs and Alcohol Service (MHDAS) with clinical experience in drugs and alcohol (DAS), general adult community mental health and with the Deakin University IMPACT team.

Resident Medical Officer
Waikato District Health Board
Hamilton, New Zealand
2018 – 2022
Psychiatry Registrar and RANZCP Trainee (Stage 2) at Waikato DHB from December 2018 with experience from general adult inpatient (12 months) and outpatient (6 months), CAMHS (8 months) and consult liaison psychiatry (6 months). ECT practitioner on DHB rota since December 2019 with training from Albert Road Clinic in Melbourne.

Foundation Doctor
Cwm Taf University Health Board
Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
2017 – 2018
F1 Doctor (PGY1) at Cwm Taf University Health Board with rotations in Anaesthetics, Endocrinology and Diabetes (general medicine) and Colorectal Surgery (general surgery) during the first year followed by Academic F2 (PGY2) Psychiatry academic run with the Outreach and Recovery Team.

PhD Psychiatry
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
2021 – present
PhD candidate supervised by Associate Professor David Menkes and Dr Alex Shaw. The project is focused on researching use of psychological techniques in virtual and augmented reality and the development of an immersive VR intervention to support emotion regulation in clinical populations.

MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Cardiff University
Cardiff, Wales
2012 – 2017
Primarily medical degree from Cardiff University actively enganging with student activities and research opportunities throughout studies. Student Selected Component examining the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in a population with known Copy Number Variation.

BSc (Hons) Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry
University of Essex
Colchester, United Kingdom
2009 – 2012
1st class with distinctions from the University of Essex with lab-based final year project on targeting Beta-2-Microglobulin protein aggregation by using PCR and a semi-rational library for peptide design.
Research Experience
- Lundin RM, Menkes DB. “Realizing the potential of digital psychiatry” The Lancet Psychiatry 2021 pdf web
- Lundin RM, Menkes DB. “Commentary: Managing Virtual Hybrid Psychiatrist-Patient Relationships in a Digital World” Frontiers in Public Health 2021 pdf web
- Lundin RM et al. “I’d been like freaking out the whole night:” Developing Gross’ emotion regulation theory based on junior doctors’ narratives, Advances in Health Sciences Education 2017 pdf web
- Sharif B, Lundin RM et al. “Developing a digital data collection platform to measure the prevalence of sepsis in Wales” JAMIA pdf web
- Szakmany T, Sharif BS, Lundin RM, et al. “Sepsis prevalence and outcome on the general wards and emergency departments in Wales” PLOS One 2017 pdf web
- Wong A …, Lundin RM, et al. “Insertion rates and complications of central lines in the UK population” 2017 pdf web
- Szakmany T, Pugh R, …, Lundin RM, et al. “Defining sepsis on the wards” Anaesthesia 2017 pdf web
- Byrne, M et al. “The National Student Association of Medical Research (NSAMR) Publication Pathway” International Journal of Surgery 2017 web
- Szakmany T, Ellis G, Lundin RM, et al. “Sepsis in Wales on the general wards” Br J Anaesth. 2015 pdf web
- Szakmany T, Ellis G, Lundin RM, et al. “Preventing Sepsis” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015 pdf web
- Monrouxe, L et al. “Foundation doctors, transitions and emotions” General Medical Council 2015 pdf web
- Exploring the role of autism in 2q31.2q32.3 at RCPsych Int. Congress (Edinburgh 2017)
- The use of medical students in large data collection projects at ASME General Meeting (Exeter 2017)
- Stakeholder update on NSAMR at the INSPIRE Development Workshop (London 2016)
- Emotion Regulation in Doctors at the Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference (Swansea 2015)
- Rapid Response to Acute Illness (RRAILS) (Cardiff 2015)
- Health Innovation Conference in Wales (Cardiff 2015)
- Welsh Public Health Conference (Cardiff 2015)
- Reporting of adverse events in mental health virtual reality interventions: a literature review at RANZCP New Zealand Conference (Napier 2020)
- Exploring core phenotypes in three deletion syndromes in the q31q33 region on chromosome 2 at RANZCP New Zealand Conference (Nelson 2019) Award
- The potential role of virtual reality in Psychiatry at the RANZCP New Zealand Conference (Nelson 2019)
- The potential role of virtual reality in Eating Disorders at RCPsych Int. Congress (Birmingham 2018) Award
- Autism in 2q31.2q32.3 Deletion Syndrome at RCPsych Int. Congress (Birmingham 2018)
- Student Research Journal Pathway at ASME General Meeting (Exeter 2017)
- Re-evaluating NSAMR at ASME General Meeting (Exeter 2017)
- Technology enhanced OSCE Marking for Advanced Practice Nursing at ASME General Meeting (Exeter 2017)
- Developing a Digital Data Collection Platform for Wales by examining sepsis prevalence in 16 hospitals using medical student data collectors at Research Data Alliance Plenary (Tokyo 2016)
- NHS Wales Awards – Runner-up in student innovation category (2016)
- 1st place Foundation doctor poster prize in Education/Training (RCPsych Congress 2018)
- Shared 1st place Dawn Short Trust Fund Prize (RANZCP NZ Conference 2019)
- BigEnterprise Award – University of Essex 2012
- Athlete Scholar Award, Full Colours and Exceptional Services to Sports – University of Essex 2012
- Excellence in Teaching – Student Innovation Category – Cardiff University for CUReS work (2015)
- Excellence in Teaching Award – Cardiff University for Sepsis Study (2018)
- Zeshan Qureshi Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Education – Highly commended (2019)
- Royal College of Psychiatrists Pathfinder Fellowship – £5000 over 3 years – (2016 – 2019)
- Research Data Alliance Early Career Fellowship – £1200 to attend conference in Tokyo (2016)
- Summer Studentship at Academy of Medical Science / Wellcome Trust INSPIRE – £1020 (2014)
Virtual Reality in Mental Health
Focus on current PhD in psychiatry which aims to identify appropriate psychological interventions and strategies from the literature and apply them to an immersive virtual reality intervention for testing in both clinical and non-clinical populations. Strategies would target emotional distress which is becoming an increasing burden on health services and have few easily accessible treatment options. The proposed work would therefore help bridge the gap between theoretical research and clinically relevant knowledge that can be applied by other researchers and by industry while addressing a significant need and gap in services.
Machine Learning in ECT
Currently leading a newly formed collaboration between Waikato DHB and the computer science department at the University of Auckland applying machine learning algorithms to improve treatment protocols for ECT and examination of ictal factors. Analysis of treatment and baseline EEGs will be completed alongside other routinely collected ECT data. Following a proof-of-concept study additional sites will be invited to utilise the same analysis. Future work will include prospective data collection and the development of an international consortium.
Digital Data Collection
The development of a digital data collection platform for Wales was initially completed to completed for the large-scale sepsis prevalence studies. This utilised OpenDataKit, Enketo online forms and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) to support a range of project from examination of advanced practice nursing students (OSCE setting), audits on deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis in psychiatric inpatient wards and research modules for medical students. These projects particularly helped show how medical students can form a valuable part of data collection work with several hundred students involved across Wales.
Emotion Regulation
Work on emotion regulation in junior doctors started off as a secondary analysis on video diaries and interviews collected by the Medical Education Research Institute at Cardiff University for a preparedness for practice projected completed for the General Medical Council (GMC).
Neuropsychiatric Genetics
During medical school and the Foundation Programme I was involved with several projects in neuropsychiatric genetics with a focus on copy number variants (CNVs). This started as a student selected component (SSC) during year 3 of medical school focused on the prevalence of other psychiatric co-morbidities in patients with 22q.11.2 deletion syndrome. As a Pathfinder Fellow with the Royal College of Psychiatrists I was able to travel to Vancouver, Canada, to spend time at the BC Children’s Hospital with a research group from the University of British Columbia. This project was focused on building a case series of patients with 2q31.2q32.3 Deletion Syndrome and autism and involved use of online genetics databases.
Intensive Care
Multiple studies were completed in collaboration between Cardiff University and the various District Health Boards in Wales. This was organised by our Size of Sepsis in Wales steering group and the subsequent Welsh Digital Data Collection Platform (WDDCP). Our first study included four hospitals and 80 medical students over 24-hours with other studies including several hundred students and as many as 16 hospitals. A wide range of publications resulted from this work which also included a project on insertion lines.
Other projects
- My final year-project for the BSc in Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry involved attempts to stop protein aggregation using custom-designed peptides and PCR. This work was never published or presented after the dissertation was completed.

Affiliate Lecturer
Deakin University IMPACT
Geelong, Australia
2022 – present
Ongoing teaching for medical students covering drugs and alcohol and trial physician for the Geelong sites of the TINA trial, a phase III randomised placebo-controlled trial of mirtazapine as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine dependence, and the CADET trials.

Honorary Research Fellow
Cardiff University School of Medicine
Cardiff, Wales
2018 – 2021
2014 – 2016 Research Assistant
Three year honorary research fellowship with Cardiff University School of Medicine as a Clinical Academic Mentorship Fellow at the MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics.
INSPIRE/GMC funded project in 2014 followed by part-time employment from January 2015 with Dr Lynn Monrouxe at Cardiff University Institute of Medical Education Research. Framework design, coding and analysis of data and paper writing for Emotion Regulation in Junior Doctors.

Visiting Researcher
University of British Columbia
BC Children’s Hospital
Vancouver, Canada
Project at University of British Columbia based on elective project examining the genetic basis for Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2q31.2q32.3 Deletion Syndrome. Case series was based on unique Copy Number Variation (CNV) case in collaboration with centres around the world.

Co-founder and Trustee
Welsh Digital Data Collection Platform (WDDCP)
Cardiff, Wales
2014 – 2018
Co-created the Welsh Digital Data Collection Platform (WDDCP) for supporting various projects to use digital data collection. The platform has been used for national prevalence studies, NHS procurement projects, MSc Nursing OSCE assessments and a range of other projects by researchers, clinicians and students. Registered as non-profit organisation (total budget £17 000).

Steering Committee Member
NHS Wales
Cardiff, Wales
2014 – 2018
Helped setup and run a multi-Health Board research group. Personally recruited, trained and coordinated students as data collectors for the first two Size of Sepsis in Wales studies covering 80 medical students in 2014 and 186 in 2015, gathering data on the prevalence of Sepsis over 24 hours in 4 and 16 acute hospitals respectively. Supported digital data collection and project coordination for 2016 and 2017 studies.

University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
2020 – 2022
Teaching and examination for School of Medicine at the Waikato Clinical School delivering regular teaching sessions to 5th and 6th medical students, SCBE examinations and orientations. Also coordinated and facilitate the Waikato DHB Psychiatry Journal Club during the 2021 season.

House Officer Teaching Coordinator
Planned and delivered the 12-week teaching programme for Mental Health House Officers and Senior House Officers at Waikato DHB which runs four times per year. Personally presented 3-4 sessions per run.

Module Co-lead
Cardiff University School of Medicine
Cardiff, Wales
2017 – 2018
Delivering teaching on quality improvement module for Cardiff University for 5th year medical students and coordinated collection of research data from student projects.

Chair and Trustee
National Student Association of Medical Research (NSAMR)
London, United Kingdom
2014 – 2016
Managed a national medical student research non-profit organisation funded by the Wellcome Trust with a 9-member executive committee and was responsible for our 32 volunteers and 16 local societies across the UK. Supporting a range of research opportunities, national conference, studentresearch journal, mentoring programme and outreach activities. Registered as non-profit organisation (annual budget £13 000).

Cardiff University Research Society
Cardiff, Wales
2014 – 2016
Student-led local research group running as a part of the School of Medicine. Organised and chaired the NSAMR 2015 Conference, which was live streamed to 10 medical schools across the UK with 160 students attending in person. Also started new programmes such as an innovation club, short duration projects and managed a mentoring program (annual budget £3 500).
Peer review

Reviewing Editor and Board Member
Experimental Results, Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, United Kingdom
2020 – present
Reviewing editor for psychiatry and psychology section with focus on technological interventions in mental health (digital psychiatry).

Junior Trainee Editor and Board Member
British Journal of Psychiatry (BJPsych) Advances
London, United Kingdom
2018 – 2021
Provided peer review for BJPsych Advances and involvement in board meetings, article commissioning, MCQ reviews and podcast development.
Other peer review
- Grant reviewer for Personalised Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) for ETH Zurich (2021 round)
- British Journal of Psychiatry from August 2016 to present (20 reviews)
- BMC Medical Education Journal from August 2015 to present (1 review)
- Medical Education from July 2015 to present (9 reviews)
- Journal of Medical Internet Research journals from June 2020 to present (16 reviews)
- Chapter in Healthcare Professionalism: Improving Practice Through Reflections on Workplace Dilemmas